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SC200—SC300  200W-300W Medium Power Laser Cleaner



SC200—SC300   200W-300W Medium Power Laser Cleaner


keslon Pty Ltd , introduced New KSL-SC200 and KSL-SC300 Laser Cleaners to meet applications such as rust,paint stripping,coating removal, aircraft maintenance, automotive restoration and much more.

Application Field

1) Laser Rust Removal: Laser light can easily remove rust, after removal, the surface is restored to a bright metallic colour or restoration of original base colour.

2) Laser Oil Removal: Metal surface oil cleaning (can remove oxide film at the same time)

3) Laser Paint Removal: removes various paints including auto duco on various substrates and automobiles

4) Stripping coating (galvanised layer, aluminised layer, protective coating, etc.)

5) Removal of aluminium alloy, titanium alloy, copper alloy oxide film

6) Pre-Weld Pretreatments: After laser cleaning pretreats the aluminium alloy, the welding porosity defects are effectively suppressed

7) Cleaning after welding: Non Contact NDT removal of post-weld oxide film and slag residue

8) Aluminium alloy pulsed lasers remove dirt and oxide film before welding

Product Advantages

1) Environmental Green Protection – no chemical reagents or media, no solvent, low noise

2) Trans-Portable – safe contactless processing, trans-portable laser cleaner with handheld operation

3)Non Destructive Cleaning – only remove surface contaminants, Laser Cleaning from 120- 200W is Air Cooled for operational stability

4)Easy to automate – easy integration, high efficiency and economical

Type KSL-SC200
Laser Power 200W
Max Power 40KW
Scan Width 10-80mm
Cleaning Efficiency | Rust 8.0㎡/h
Cleaning Efficiency | Paint 9.0㎡/h
Cleaning Efficiency | Aluminum oxide 6-7.5 m²/h
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